On Sunday 16.6. in Espoo
Address of show venue: Marketanpuisto, Pehtorinkuja 3, 02940 Espoo
Also puppies (5-7 months and 7-9 months) and progeny class.
Judging will start at 10.
Judge: Julie Noble, the UK
Show Entries
To be sent by 24.5.2019 to the address:
Suomen Afgaanit ry / Maija Lehtonen
Keltintie 64, 45740 Kuusankoski, FINLAND
or via internet: https://ilmoittautuminen.kennelliitto.fi/frmEtusivu.aspx?Lang=ENG
Entry fees for SA-FA Club members:
- 1. entry 35 €
- 2. etc. entry from the same owner 30 €
- puppies and veterans 28 €
- veterans over 10 years 10 €
- ENTRIES FOR NON-MEMBERS 40 € per dog (all classes)
Entries must be paid beforehand (if you enter by mail, please include a copy of the receipt):
IBAN: FI96 2363 1800 0064 59
Please use the reference number: 10016
Inquiries (Mon-Fri evenings) from Maija Lehtonen +358 40 5085 423 or by e-mail lehtosenmaija@gmail.com Internet www.afgaaninvinttikoira.fi